
Four Exotic Touches for your Garden


There are many ways you can add some exotic touches to your garden. Many UK climates will allow you to plant some varieties of palms and bamboo and there are also design details you can add to bring a little touch of the tropics to your English garden. Here are four ideas you can consider when planning your garden this year:


Think Zen: You can use elements common in Zen gardens to create calm. Zen gardens have areas such as pebbles that are raked to alleviate stress, paths that can be walked to help encourage quiet contemplation and water features that have the relaxing sound of trickling water. You can use a Zen garden to help you create stunning points of interest using rocks, paths, bamboo and water with little areas set up for sitting quietly, use natural elements to add texture and use large boulders in perfect balance with flowers and plants. The idea is to use elements and philosophies behind the Zen garden in order to add a touch of exotic tranquility.


Welcome Water: Nothing brings a calmer sense of serenity to a garden than a water feature. Instead of a standard fountain you can find exotic additions such as a koi pond to make a distinctly tropical statement. You can also look at adding a waterfall using lovely boulders over which water can gently tumble leading to a pond with bamboo flanking the edges complete with water lilies and Cyperus papyrus. You can look at adding inspiration from the Caribbean, the tropics or the South Pacific. If you want to consider a fountain introduce fountains made of bamboo as opposed to cement or add palms either planted in the ground or in planters around the fountain.


Elevate with Layers: Flat gardens are boring. Get creative and add different levels. You can use your waterfall as a good start using the slope to add tiers of plants. You can also build stepped flower beds. An easy way to add layers and levels is to use varied heights of plants. You can use lower to the ground plants at the front of flower beds and then build up towards the back. Exotic grasses are an excellent choice to help add layers and a sense of levels to your garden. You can also use various planters in groups to create a sense of height.


Use Planters: A very affordable way to add some exotic touches to your garden is to use planters. You can bring elements of tropical plants using hanging baskets as well as larger urns. Think palms, hibiscus and even large ferns that will add that lushness you see in tropical gardens. Here are some plants that can be used to make some creative containers: Cacti and succulents, Cordyline australis, Cycas revolute, Brachychiton, Strelitzia, Phormiums, Trachycarpus fortunei, Phoenix canariensis, Eriobotrya japonica (loquat), Yucca, Nerium oleander and Dracaena draco.


Working with a landscaping company or garden designer like yours truly(!), you will help you find the plants that will work best for your garden to add that exotic feel you wish to create.
